+34 966 445 916
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Realizamos seminarios, performances, jornadas, concursos, publicaciones y campañas encaminadas a sensibilizar a la sociedad en la importancia de la igualdad de oportunidades.

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Uno de los principales pilares para conseguir que la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres sea real es que las personas implicadas cuenten con los conocimientos y capacitación necesarios.

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Las problemáticas asociadas a las desigualdades de género son especialmente vulnerables a su invisibilidad o a su ocultación dentro de otras problemáticas más conocidas o cercanas.

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Un Plan de Igualdad es un conjunto ordenado de medidas, adoptadas después de realizar un diagnóstico de situación, tendentes a alcanzar la igualdad de trato y de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres y a eliminar la discriminación por razón de sexo.

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Welcome to Aequal

A-Equal was founded with the primary aim of developing all kinds of action ir order to promote and implement equal opportunities between men and women both in the public and private sector.
We work the equality of opportunity from a global point of view but paying attention to the particularity and specificity of the scope. In addition to this, our policy includes direct and taylor-made service to our customers, high qualified and experienced staff at your service, efficiency and effectiveness in our performances and professional ethics.

We offer a specialized team with University’s training and official postgraduate certification in equality between women and men, with a great personal vocation and professional experience in the field of gender equality, and specialized in legal, business, labour and social areas; and with an extensive group of collaborators that reinforce those actions that require greater strength or specialization of resources.
All our activities involve a highly participative methodology, and from start to finish all the parties involved are direct and active players into the development and implementation of the project, taking into account their views, interests and expectations.